Walmart+ Part Two!

Hey, friends!

Back to share part 2 of my post about Walmart + and this time I really wanted to speak to the convenience of having this in your life!

I am not exaggerating when I say that finally deciding to have our groceries, toiletries, and household supplies delivered to our doorstep has without a doubt been THE biggest time saver for us this year. Honestly I hadn’t realized how much time it was taking me to go to the store, get what we need (and a lot of what we don’t!), and get home. Matt said recently that since we started using Walmart +, our grocery budget has gone down since I’m not getting as many impulse buys. Yay me! Ha!

When I place my orders, I just make sure that it’s $35 or more so I can get the free delivery. Also worth noting that if you do go into the store, you can take advantage mobile scan and go option. This allows you to scan items in the store as you shop and then just head out without having to go through the check out line when you’re finished. 

One other aspect of Walmart+ that I really appreciate is how your favorites are saved each time so rather than having to go with a new list, you click on what you’ve bought in the past and that’s just one more thing to save time.

It’s only $98 per year or $12.96 per month to sign up and I am leaving the link here! Do yourself a favor especially before the craziness of the Holiday season starts up and make your life easier by signing up for Walmart +!

Thanks for coming by the blog today and thank you to Walmart for sponsoring today’s post!