Native Challenge

Hi, friends! My two week Native challenge has come to a close and it’s finally time for me to report my thoughts! I know you’re on the edge of your seats ;) I started out two weeks ago with the Cucumber & Mint and then once I tried the Coconut & Vanilla scent, I may never go back. It smells AMAZING!

My biggest concern when starting out this aluminum free deodorant challenge was that I was going to try it, not love it, and have to tell the brand and y’all that I wasn’t a fan. That sounds awkward. But it’s so important to me to always recommend products that I LOVE so I was willing to take that risk.

I was also nervous because I heard that there was a detox that could take place. When I switched from my former deodorant to Native, I didn’t notice any noticeable changes in the way I felt OR smelled. I actually felt that I smelled even better after a few days of using Native. 

Not only does the product WORK, it’s also been such a wise decision for my health. Since Native doesn’t include aluminum, parabens, phthalates, or talc, I can be much more confident about what I’m allowing to absorb into my skin. Making this switch has gotten me excited about trying more clean beauty products where in the past, I would have been quicker to shy away thinking they may not work. 

I’m sharing my coupon code LAURA20 with y’all so you can get 20% off your order AND join the challenge yourself! Shipping is always free and Native also offers free returns! Once you read reviews on their website, you won’t have to even just take my word for it. Over 11,000 other people agree that Native is healthier, and most important it’s also effective!

I’ve loved getting to hear how much y’all love this product and I’m so thankful to Native for giving me the opportunity to try their product and share my experience with you! Click here to order!
