Half way through another week, can you believe it? May seems to be FLYING by. We leave for the beach next week so I'm not mad about this week going by quickly. #takemetothebeach
Today I'm sharing a little bit of my fitness journey. I call it a "journey" because I'm still on it. I don't have everything figured out at ALL but I will share the things I have figured out so maybe it'll help you start or keep up the journey you're on.
Let me start by sharing a picture of my post-baby bod... I know I looked hot. Or not. At this point I was nursing exclusively so I really felt helpless as far as cutting calories and was too overwhelmed to even think about challenging myself beyond walking the stairs multiple times a night to feed my babe. You new mamas feel me, right?
My sister and I decided to do the Whole 30 together. During the 30 days, I also started trying to add resistance training into my workout since finding time to run was challenging with an infant and a two year old. I would work out about three days a week for 30 minutes. Doesn't sound like much but you gotta start somewhere.
Before After |
After I completed the Whole 30, I got pretty relaxed about what I was eating again. I still tried to stick to the 80/20 rule (Eat clean 80% of the time) but I felt like I had kind of plateaued. I was doing the same exact exercises every week. I was bored.
I stumbled across the BBG (Sweat with Kayla) workout plan while scrolling thru instagram and seeing all the incredible before and after pictures. My sister had just purchased the guides so she let me give them a try.
Oh. Man.
I couldn't do it. I'm not even kidding. Like I couldn't do any of it. I was huffing and puffing and literally feeling like I was going to die. Trying to finish three burpees in a row had me envisioning the next days headlines
"Local woman sweats to death after attempting consecutive burpees."
What a way to go.
But the strange thing was, I actually got excited about doing the workout. It was different every time and even tho I saw some of the same exercises, it always felt new and challenging. The longer I did it, the more I thought "this has to get easier, right?" Wrong. The longer you do it, the harder it gets. But that's the beauty of it. You never get bored and you actually see results.
The other thing I love about this workout is that it's fast. 28 minutes and you're done.
Nowadays I'm doing at least three BBG resistance training sessions per week along with two cardio sessions that last about an hour. I'm also really trying to up my protein intake and continuing to stay away from sugar in all of its glorious forms. I still love you, starbucks.
Pre-BBG 4 months after starting BBG |
I'm not a machine. I still have to struggle thru finding balance week by week in my eating but I don't miss my workouts. Whether it's at night or in the morning. During nap or jumping around my babies when they're awake, I just know it's going to get done. I don't say that to sound cocky. I just know how I feel when I'm working out and I know what it does for my overall outlook. I also love that my girls can watch me do something consistently that's good for me. Today in Target, Rowen was doing a (very strange looking) sit up like motion in the buggy. She looked at me and said "I do my wookouts, mommy." I died.
The BBG plan is now in an awesome app format making it super easy to get started. It is a little on the expensive side but I think it's well worth it.
I think the moral of this story is that sometimes you just need to start something. Just get moving. And if you're not happy with the results you're getting, then change what you're doing.
If you have any questions about the workout, please let me know in comments! I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
Thanks for stopping by and I hope you have a happy hump day!