Hi, friends!
Before I jump into my goals for this month I just wanted to share a few more of my favorite finds from the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale. The sale goes thru Monday and then all prices will return to full retail so jump on these steals while you can!
I just ordered the brown leather jacket this morning and I'm so excited about it! I think of cognac as a sort of neutral since it plays so well with others. But now I'm feeling like I might need the black, too.
Also, I am loving distressed denim right now and I've been amazed at how many sizes and options are still available in the sale. Definitely a must have for Fall!
The crossover sweater is Free People (favorite brand!) and it comes in four different colors.
The booties I linked are a copy cat to some I already own and wear all. the. TIME.

Oh, but let me be clear. I am in no way committing to any such ideology. Ice cream is my ride or die and if it goes, I. Go. Too.
Ok. Goals.
1. Wake up each morning at 6:00 AM - Gross. I'm a night owl. I do my best work at night time when my whole house is quiet. But there's something to be said for waking before the sun to get in my workout, shower, and be ready for the day before my little sleeping beauties wake up. Side Note: To prove just how not me it is to wake up early, this morning Matt came frantically calling for me thru the house and when he found me sitting in the den reading, he looked like he'd seen a ghost. In his defense, I haven't seen this side of 6 o clock since Rowen was still waking to nurse as an infant soooooo. Oopsies.
2. Give Jesus my First Fruits: Now that I'm an early riser, ( not sure I can assume the title after one day but whatever) instead of working out or checking my phone upon waking, I'm committing to spend time with the Lord FIRST THING. Before anything else can demand my attention, I'm giving my attention to the Word. I have done this in the past and it really is the best way to start the day. I like to say spending time with the Lord doesn't necessarily change your day but it does change how you view your day.
3.Read a Book: I totally planned on doing this at the beach but I only recall sitting in a chair one time our entire trip. "Why did I even bring the chair?" I ask myself. So now that we're back and I have all this extra time from waking up sooooo early, I'm gonna read! I'm planing to start with Wild and Free and am open to any suggestions for what I should read next!
4. Only use cash: Ouch. This one hurts me, y'all. I don't like budgets. If I saw Dave Ramsey in the mall, I'd run in the opposite direction. But I wouldn't see Dave in the mall so I guess I'm safe. My man, on the other hand, LOVES a budget. Spreadsheets and cash envelopes are the stuff of dreams to him. I just wanna buy the cute bag when I see it, you know? The struggle. Is. Real. But I've committed this month to be diligent about sticking to our cash system and not giving into impulse buys. Now you see why I still need the ice cream.
That's it for now!
Do you have any new goals you're starting this month?? I wanna hear!
Thanks for reading, yall!