Hello sweet friends!We are over the moon to share that we have another baby on the way! I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact that this is really happening. I will share more details in a later blog post but for now I can tell you that we assumed because of all the health complications that Matt has experienced recently, that we may not be able to get pregnant again.Happy (and still a little surprised!) to report that even in the midst of everything he's gone thru, this little miracle is still on the way.I'm in my fourteenth week and very VERY happy to say goodbye to the first trimester. Again, more details in a dedicated post, but I'll just say that it has been the hardest pregnancy by a long shot!We were able to keep this secret from our girls until I was twelve weeks along and it was during these sweet photos that my friend Megan took for us that we got to share the news. The look on their little faces was priceless. I have always wanted to have my kids close together and wasn't sure how this age gap was going to work. However, now that they are a little older and can really grasp the concept of a new baby in mommy's tummy, it just makes it that much more magical!My favorite moment after telling the girls about the baby was when they both immediately put their hands on my tummy and then asked if they could try to listen to the baby. Cue the abundant mom tears!Here are some of our favorites from our baby reveal pictures...
Thank you so much for sharing in our joy! Thank you to my sweet friend Megan for capturing this sweet time for us![showshopthepostwidget id="3028686"]